Managed IT Services We Provide
Our customers take advantage of enterprise grade IT solutions while remaining agile with low overhead. This gives competitive advantage to own market share and spend time on revenue growth.
Why is MSP/CSP Necessary?
MSP/CSP Market Value
– 152.02 billion U.S. dollars in 2020
– 274 billion U.S. dollars by 2026
43% of cyber attacks target small business.
59% of IT services are addressed under a managed services model instead of the older break-fix model.
On average, 6.9% of a small business’s revenue goes to Company IT.
58% of SMBs say they test their disaster recovery plan just once a year or less, while 33% say they test infrequently or never at all.
32% of business leaders cite a lack of knowledge as their biggest challenge when it comes to utilizing the cloud.
95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error.
62% of SMBs lack the in-house skills to handle cybersecurity.
The most common causes of data loss are hardware/system failure (31%), human error (29%), and viruses, malware, or ransomware (29%).
IT Management requires a whole lot more than installing software or removing malware. It requires a time, effort and dedication that most business leaders don’t realize. From selecting architecture, platform and configuration to integrating product and services into workflows across different departments. Securing and supporting every device and data is a big journey. A professional and mature IT Managed Service Provider is invaluable.
Most importantly, hiring the right partner is a critical decision to the health of your business. Top-performing managed IT services firms and their clients are well-prepared for the unknown and unexpected. That’s why companies who had chosen a great IT partner before the COVID-19 crisis hit were able to seamlessly transition their people and operations and quickly adapt to the new work-from-home world.
Key IT Positions
– How do you focus on the enterprise as cattle vs pet?
– Do you incur IT cost only or is it accounted as a Cost of Good Sold?
– What are your competitors doing or using?
Managed Service Features
Asset Management
Patch Management
Hardware Support
Email Support
Printer Support
Automated Jobs
Architecture Support
Procurement Support
Enterprise Security
Disaster Recovery
Virtual CIO / CISO
Asset Management
Patch Management
Hardware Support
Email Support
Printer Support
Automated Jobs
Architecture Support
Procurement Support
Enterprise Security
Disaster Recovery
Virtual CIO / CISO
Asset Management
Patch Management
Data Center Exit
Email Support
Cloud Deployment
Automated Jobs
Architecture Support
Procurement Support
Enterprise Security
Disaster Recovery
Virtual CIO / CISO